About Us
In search for solutions for a better life
The year in 2001, this is the time as you all know, smart phones did not exist yet… We established this company with the sales force automation project, supporting RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) and electronic organizer, where this was only an infinite possibility at the time. While the technology world is at its best with possibilities, working in and with the internet websites, we started help companies with consulting business in that field. Which gradually led us to be able to see the problems people may have and realized finding solutions is a way to make the world with all the possibility, a better place!
We first focused on the solution to address the increasing vision problems in Japan, which was the vision training facility in town. But then, the world had shifted to a much busier place, it lead us to find a solution for them to be able to make time of their own, which was the home vision training product. Soon, after giving counsel to our customers, we had received various requests to find solutions for other problems they had. So, in search of such solutions we had searched throughout the world, anything or anywhere that could solve problems of the people. As we did, it had come to us that an excellent product from around the world could be an excellent solution for a better life!
In two decades since then, we have handled a wide range of, but carefully selected such “excellent products” in order to address someone’s problems and improve his/her life. What could be stopping people from whatever they want to do, go or be. What can we do. What are there to do. This became our mission. And with the mission in finding better life solutions, we will always move forward towards where there is good and better!
And until this day, we continue to provide solutions for a better life…

CEO Tomoaki Matsunaga
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Available in English, Chinese, Korean, and, of course, Japanese!